Loire Valley workshop
Clos Lucé street - Amboise

Clockworks, mecanical and musical automatons, marionettes & collection puppets

Cats with crystal eyes, dressed in clothes with surprising colors gradations, tales cats. Nobody would be amazed to hear them speaking so much they are alive.
All these cats whisper us a story, wake in us a poetry, a memory of a attic hidden place where we used to play. One of them seems to be the feline representation of Bacchus or of Christophe Colomb, an other one, a partition in the hand, is named " Lohengrin " or " Fidélio " . Here is the Watchmaker, the Writer and the others else. But every one has this baroque and fantastic aspect, with these accumulations of violins, parchments, these stickings of antique clocks dials or old books.
Any work of art is exclusive and signed. These cats are not intended for spectacle, but destined to lovers of wonderfull objects. They seem to evolve in a theatrical atmosphere of the XVII-th century, the century of Charles Perrault and "Puss-in-boots".

click WORKSHOP of Janie Langlois

Other Langlois Websites
Automatons and Mecanical puppets

E-mail : Janie.langlois

Atelier Langlois
5, rue du Clos Lucé - 37400 Amboise - FRANCE
Tél : (33) 2

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